← tmp.spacet.me documentation

tmp.spacet.me extensions API

Extensions add extra integrations to tmp.spacet.me. They are identified via a URL.

Manifest file

The extensions is expected to publish a manifest file located at tmp-manifest.json, relative to extension URL. For example:

Extension URL https://tmp-webrtc.spacet.me/
Manifest URL https://tmp-webrtc.spacet.me/tmp-manifest.json

The structure of manifest file is specified in ExtensionManifest.ts.

Integrations API

Integrations are popup windows that appear when clicking on a file menu or the New item menu. It communicates with tmp.spacet.me via the postMessage API.

Launching and Session IDs

When user selects an integration, tmp.spacet.me will open a new browser window pointing to the URL, with #tmpsessionid=<uuid> appended. This session ID is needed to communicate with tmp.spacet.me.

Communicating with tmp.spacet.me

Use window.opener.postMessage(object, '*'). The object should follow the JSON-RPC 2.0 specification. Available methods are listed in IntegrationsRpcInterface.ts.